We're a 501(c)3 Non-ProfitRETIREMENT WORKSHOP 2020 is recognized by the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501 (c) (3). Public Charity 170 (B) (1)(A) classification. Non profit charitable organization that provides educational workshops in businesses and universities state wide.
Our instructors are licensed and trained financial professionals with a minimum of 5 years of real-world experience in their field. RW2020 does not promote or endorse any specific products or companies, and NO SELLING is allowed. RW2020 educational workshops are for general, non-commerical, education ONLY and are not intended to be construced as tax, legal, or financial advice. Attendees should seek the assistance of a financial or tax professional familiar with the course prior to implementing any of the ideas or strategies taught or discussed in our workshops. Our educational topics includes: Medicare and Medicaid Health Options, Maximizing Social Security, Social Security Timing, Taxes in Retirement, Benefits of Long Term Care. We are available to speak at your Senior Adult Activity centers, public libraries, public community civic centers, community colleges, State and Universities. Call us for a presentation. We'd be happy to help. |